
Managing your Caffe models just got that much easier with Neurogenesio.

In a few clicks you can upload the .proto definition, solver and snapshots of your models and access them from anywhere at any time.

Our built-in visualization tool helps you see the building blocks of your network.

The data is safe in Google Cloud Storage with the best security inplace.


No more need to manually upload your models to the servers where the training is done. Just install our Neurogenesio npm client, authenticate and fetch the model right to the training server. This step can easily be automated and performed during the startup routines for each server.

BTW, we are working on the automatic training on the Google Cloud Platform and AWS.

$ npm install -g neurogenes Caffe Framework is required


Neurogenesio client performs all operations using transport-layer HTTPS encryption.


Collaboration is easy with Neurogenesio. Share projects with your colleagues so everyone can see your progress and help you get to your goals.

We believe that researchers working together become more productive and Neurogenesio helps everyone to be on the same page during long training cycles.

No one will be able look at your data unless you make your projects shared or public.


The Deep Learning community is an open one and major breakthroughs are often based on the previous results of different researches. That’s why we made it possible for you to publish your projects in Neurogenesio.

Whenever you are ready, it is easy to open your work to the public. Want to know what others do in your field — just discover other researchers’ projects.

42420 Discover projects

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You’re 2 clicks away from creating and training.

Get started now Google Account is required
1 public project

$29per month
Unlimited private and public projects

More pricing options are coming soon.

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